JBake v2.6.0 released

I’m happy to announce that JBake v2.6.0 has been released. This is a major release that includes a number of new features as well as bug fixes and changes.

Here are a few of the major changes included in this release:

  • Java 7 is now required to run JBake

  • Project has switched to Gradle for build

  • Improved execution scripts inc. support for additional JAR files

  • Asset and Content directories can be marked to be ignored from processing

  • Static files such as images can be included in the Content directory tree

  • Server mode now watches for changes to Asset and Template directories

  • Relative image src values are now automatically updated

  • Added more data variables for use in templates when paging

  • AsciidoctorJ-Diagram is included in binary distribution (not declared as a dependency though) so you can include diagrams in your AsciiDoc content

If you are using pagination for the index page i.e. index.paginate=true, then please verify that you are using published_posts or equivalent published_{contentType} model instead of posts model. See this bug fix for details.
The value to persist the content store to disk has changed from local to plocal, so the configuration option should be: db.store=plocal

You can find the complete changelog for this release here: https://github.com/jbake-org/jbake/milestone/14?closed=1

Thanks to everyone who has contributed something to this new release, and especially to Frank Becker and Manik Magar who put a tremendous amount of work into this release. I’m also pleased to say they have recently joined the JBake team.

This release should also be available via Maven Central, SDKMAN and Homebrew in the next few days.

Download JBake v2.6.0 now and get baking!

By Jonathan Bullock - 04 March 2018